quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2021

STEAM & MakerSpace Education - Berlin, Germany

4th day - 9th December, 2021

Waking up with snow...

Design Thinking - is an iterative process that provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. Using a structured framework, students identify challenges, gather information generate potential solutions, refine ideas, and test solutions.

How does it work?

More than a question you have a initial situation that requires students to find a solution. It's connected to real life.

It comes down to 5 essential concepts:


To summarize:

Design thinking helps students to:

1. develop an innovator's mindset (alternative solutions, try them)

2. connect what they learn in class to real world challenges (practical problems)

3. foster a disposition of problem-solving

4. collaborate and work with others

5. build emphathy by thinking about the needs of other people, of others as the "end users" of their creative solutions

6. feel empowered to make meaningful changes to the world around them

7. foster the kind of creativity and solutions-driven thinking required in 21 st century workplaces.

We have all the essential elements for the STEAM project! 

                                            The end of the work day...

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