terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2021

STEAM & MakerSpace Education - Berlin, Germany

Second day: 7th December 2021

In the morning, during the Europass Berlin Tour...

In front of the Parliament

   Our guide, Federico  "For the German people"

The Berlin wall
(on the left side is the East and on the right is the West)

 Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe murderer
under National Socialism

Brandenburg Gate

The Holocaust Memorial

In the afternoon, during the Europass Session...

How to reach STEAM goals?

1- Collaborate planning among teachers involved

2- Adjusting scheduling to acommodate a new way of teaching and learning

3- Professional development for all staff in STEAM practices and principles

4- STEAM schema-mapping for the curriculum and assessment design process

5- Alignment and unpacking of standards and assessments

STEAM is a process of application, a process to research and produce something. It allows our students to create meaning for themselves and others.

What to look for in STEAM lessons?

Inputs for improving the process:

1- STEAM outcomes

2- Intentional connections

3- Inquiry based

4- Integrity

5- 21st century skills

6- Equitable assessment

7- Bonus: making meaning

How to start?

1- Encourage students to identify problem themselves.

2- Guide student projects by using a framework for STEAM Design.

3- Keep projects doable.

4- Start close to home by finding a problem on the school campus or in the neighbourhood.

Project Based Learning (PBL)

What is PBL?

It is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.

PBL pros:
- the students take active part in their learning process.
- They become responsible for their learning and acquire autonomy.
- They learn to work in groups and challenge themselves in solving problems connected to their lives.

In the PBL the teacher is ALWAYS present! The teacher is a GUIDE ON SIDE that follows students' progresses! The teacher checks on and follows students' learning and sources.

PBL is:

- interdisciplinary

- challenging

- connected to real life

- self-directed


Let's find out the steps of PBL: 

Our activity

PBL in steps (no order required):

After our hard work, a hot chocolate...

1 comentário:

  1. Hello,
    Very good project. It woukd be a big change on school community mindset and will be very challenging to inplement and sustain.
